Deeco Metals

Custom Brass Extrusions

Brass extrusions provide an elegant and cost-effective solution for home furnishings, architectural elements and a wide range of other applications. The utilization of brass or bronze extruded profiles within any large- or small-scale design project can add dimensional durability, improved aesthetics and significant cost savings over other materials.

At Deeco Metals we specialize in advanced quality brass and bronze extrusions. Our full-service foundry offers a wide range of services to ensure that you get a product that meets your expectations.

Contact us for more information on our custom brass extrusions or bronze extruded profile service capabilities, or call us at 800-272-7784 and we will be happy to assist you with any questions that you may have.

Architectural Brass Extrusions

At Deeco Metals we can provide brass and bronze architectural extrusions that provide aesthetically pleasing décor options, which can be used for a wide range of indoor and outdoor design applications. These custom extrusions can be used to produce numerous types of shapes that can be used for various architectural purposes, some of which include:

Custom Brass Extrusion and Bronze Extrusion Advantages

brass extrusions

Custom architectural brass or bronze extruded profiles are characterized as complex profile shapes that are manufactured from architectural bronze or brass. These types of exclusive brass profiles or bronze profiles provide numerous user benefits, some of which include:

  • Premium quality control standards
  • Short run capabilities
  • Raw material savings
  • Does not require additional machining
  • Inexpensive tooling costs
  • Multiple parts can be formed into a single extrusion
  • Minimal production lead times

Deeco Metals is an industry-leading provider of advanced quality extruded brass profiles. Our precision brass and bronze extrusions can be used for a near limitless amount of applications.


Uses for Brass Extrusions and Bronze Extrusions

Deeco can provide many options for manufacturing a wide range of extruded brass or extruded bronze architectural elements which are a beautiful and durable addition to any structure.  Please visit our photo gallery to view a few examples of architectural elements we have manufactured.

Choose Deeco Metals for your Bronze or Brass Extrusions

Deeco Metals was founded in 1987 for a group of international metal producers based in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. The goal was to create a company with a technical and metallurgical background in manufacturing metal and metal parts. We are proud to have effectively served our local and global customers for the past 35 years. We have used our experience and technical expertise to fulfill the requirements of our many satisfied customers across the USA, Canada, and South America since then.
Contact us for more information regarding our custom brass or bronze extruded profiles by emailing or request a quote for further pricing details today.
Brass & Bronze Extruded Profile

Various Brass Shapes

View Past Extrusion Projects