Brass Handrail
Custom Brass Castings and Brass Extrusions

There are many reasons to choose brass alloys for your cast parts, forged parts, and extruded shapes.
- Less machining with less expensive secondary operations
- Reduced cost
- Multiple details that would normal require additional machining can be combined into a single forging, casting, or extrusion, saving you even more money
- Quick turnaround times
- Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity
- Good machinability
- Brass supports complex features and critical geometric tolerances
- Unique physical and mechanical properties
- Rich, warm, decorative colors are attainable via patinating, polishing, or plating
Best Brass Alloys for Extrusions & Brass Castings
Aluminum Brass & Bronzes
Aluminum brass alloys aren’t the best choice for complex profiles, but they are good option when you need high strength and good corrosion resistance. These alloys are excellent for brass castings.
Nickel Silver
These brass alloys are most often used for decorative purposes, but are also used in industrial applications where strength, wearability, and corrosion resistance are required. These alloys will take a high polish and easily acquire a smooth satin finish. Nickel silver brass alloys are also good for hot forging and have some cold working properties. Commonly used for both brass extrusions and brass castings.
Corrosion-Resistant Brass (Naval Brasses or Bronzes)
Corrosion resistant brass alloys have excellent resistance to marine atmospheres and offer good general corrosion resistances. Used for brass castings and brass extrusions.
Dezincification-Resistant Brass (DZR)
These specialty brass alloys are resistant to dezincification that might occur in potable water or other aggressive water environments. Suitable for brass extrusions and brass castings.
Lead-Free Brass Alloys (Mostly Proprietary Brass Alloys)
The Safe Drinking Water Act, which governs drinking water quality in municipalities and rural water districts, was established in 1974 to minimize chemical and bacterial contaminants in drinking water. The Act’s 1996 Amendment includes the regulation of leaded plumbing fittings and fixtures, and provides for the establishment of voluntary standards for lead leaching. All faucets, drinking fountains, water coolers and other drinking water conveyance devices must pass National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61.
There are various copper alloy brasses and bronzes that are completely lead-free and can be used for lead-free parts. These brass alloys are generally more expensive than leaded brasses and more difficult to obtain. Naval Brasses fall into this category, as well as various proprietary lead-free brass alloys that have been developed over the years. These alloys are corrosion resistant and used for brass castings and select brass extrusions.
High Tensile Brasses (Manganese Brass or Bronzes)
High tensile brass alloys combine high strength with excellent wear and corrosions resistance, and offer good hot forging properties. High tensile brasses are used to produce items such as:
- Forged fasteners (e.g., nuts and bolts)
- Valve spindles
- Other valve & pump parts
Architectural Brass/Bronze Alloys (C38000 & C38500)
These brass alloys are generally used for architectural parts and products, including:
- Molding & trim shapes
- Door & window frames
- Elevator sills
- Columns
- Tread plates
- Skirting shapes
- Curtain wall systems
- Door thresholds & wear strips
- Hinges
- Cornices
- Cladding
- Door handles & door hardware parts
- Hand railings
- Balusters
- Mounting bars & other railing components
Cold Forming Brass Alloys (C26000, C35300, C38000)
Cold forming brass alloys exhibit excellent ductility and are used for cold heading and riveting parts produced via hot rolling or brass extrusion. Examples include C26000, C35300 & C38000 alloys.
Best Brass Alloys for Forging
“Free Cutting” & Machining Brass Alloys (C36000 – “High-Speed Machining Brass”)
Free cutting or machining brass alloys are widely used on high-speed automatic lathes or screw machines (with lead added for improved machinability). There are specific brass alloys that have proven excellent for riveting applications. These alloys can be supplied as brass bar, brass extrusions, and brass forgings.
Hot Forging Brass (C37700)
Extruded bar stock and simple custom metal shapes produced from this forging alloy are generally cut into billet (cut pieces) for heating and forging. This alloy is used to manufacture complex closed die forging parts for projects where a considerable amount of flow is required to obtain the end part. This brass alloy retains close dimensional accuracy and little to no porosity. Commonly used for brass forgings.
Best Brass Alloys for Decorative Applications
Gilding Metal (C21000)
Gilding metal is widely used for jewelry and other decorative purposes. Its excellent corrosion resistance and bronze color make it an attractive choice for jewelry makers. Gilding metal is primarily supplied in sheet and strip form.
Contact DEECO Metals
Contact DEECO Metals to learn more about our superior quality alloys for brass extrusions, brass castings, and brass forgings, or request a quote to get started on your project.